
About Me

Born and brought up in Gohpur, Borigaon, Sonitpur district of Assam. I started my schooling in Gohpur. From a very tender age, I was imparted with the knowledge of the ethics of Vaishnavism and also of the Bhakti movement of the great Saint Srimanta Sankaradeva by my parents. Along with it, I even learned the lesson of Borgeet, Bhaona and about the Sattriya culture under the guidance of Late Guru Satradhikar, Puinyabrata Deva Goswami of Nikamul Sattra, Tezpur.I started performing in Bhaona in Namghars from the early age of 10(ten). During my days in college, I was also awarded with the Best Singer Award in my College in the year 1983.The immense love for my traditional culture has thus inspired me to dedicate my life for the Upliftment of the cultural activities and for bridging the gap between the communities in our state. Therefore, I started my journey by organizing Sampurna Raas Leela initially in my native place Gohpur with my gathered own resources attracting more than two hundred youths to come and be a part of this creative endeavor which continued thereafter under the banner of BasantaBobby since 2009 to till date in Guwahati by going one step further to eradicate the social evil like untouchability, cheap racism and to strengthen the communal harmony so as to restore peace in Assam so that we can breathe freely beneath the sky.

Shri Basanta Kumar Baruah
Present Activity: Cultural Activist,
Producer & Director of Sampurna Raas Leela and Mancha Bhaona, Actor and Singer of folk songs, Film Producer

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The Sentinel

The highly traditional and revered Sankari performance has become quite an unmissable treat for the Guwahatians. The festival, which is the first of its kind show in th city has completed its sixth year of existence.

The Assam Tribune

At a time when traditional values have been crumbling down much to the concern of the senior populace and the young generation has been blindly imitating the West, a fresh breather has come here in the form of Raas and Bhaona.